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Un-United Kingdom

In recent events, it is evident that the so called “United Kingdom” is slowing decline in its power overseas. The United Kingdom is known for its power and strength ever since its creation. Just like every empire, it is beginning its stage of decline. Sure, much media is not covering this; why? Because no one has the audacity to blandly tell the truth about its state.

The first steps of the so called “un-unity” began with the British Armed Forces being under direct control of the Royals, who seem to come and go just like the seasons. Giving the Government even less control of what brought the UK to its fame, their military. Now, going across the seas, many so called “Nationalist” parties have arised which is begin movements of the separation of United Kingdom to some extent. More recently, the British Empire has been replacing New Zealand’s based on their loyalty to the Crown. Another prime example is the Falkland Island’s Nationalist Party and rumors said upcoming “Revival Party” which platform includes independent sovereignty among the islands.

Whether it is from Fiji to Pakistan, most countries are experiencing some forms of resistance to British subjugation. Now, why now do people want to get rid of this new force that's suppose to help them? The answer is simple, the lost of faith in the Government. You can argue that the country’s Parliament makes laws and etc, but the real controller of all of these countries is the King. The King’s ability to promote stability has been failing with the lack of interest of support to some of these nations. For instance, Tonga has to receive support of development through the Pacific Union instead of the British Isles. This goes to show how much effort the Crown is putting into maintaining relations with the subjects.

Don’t get me wrong, some territories want to stay and/or leave, but what's more concerning is the increased amount of Independence in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland has been receiving some coverage of the new Irish Unity based political parties that have been gaining seats into their assembly. It’s no surprise to see this happening, but what's going to be even more interesting is how the United Kingdom tries to revert all of this, by adding more territories or even Military operations? Yet only the King will know the answer to this.

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