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Why Britain Still Needs Liberalism

“Why Does Britain still need Liberalism and the Liberal Democrats?” Has been a question I have received a many a time from citizens in the United Kingdom. Whether it be on the streets of London, or via personal message. I’ve been asked that question. And for the longest time, I could only come up the measly excuse that ‘Every ideal needs a voice’ or ‘The Liberals are one of the oldest parties in the United Kingdom, we were formed in 1859’. But nothing of true sustenance.

I became leader of the Liberal Democrats after one term as an MP. While I learned much, it was still not easy picking up the title of leader. For guidance, I looked in almost everyplace I shouldn’t have. I looked at leaders of other parties, at their ministers and MPs and such. And those searches within the other parties were of a little help, not to make mention of my lack of experience. That wasn’t my true issue though. It was the questions I had been asked so many times before, ‘Why does Britain still need Liberalism?’. I couldn’t answer it with a concrete reason. I couldn’t find a reason why we were still needed in Britain. Had our time expired? The United Kingdom is quite a liberal place as is, what more could a Liberal Party of sorts do for it?

And that leads me to my answer. Britain still needs Liberalism, because there is a continued attack on Liberal ideals. Ranging from the right to rally for certain causes and organizations, or a regulation of the market with the Trading Standards Act. Britain and her so cherished beliefs are under attack, and it slipping by everyone.

The fact that the government may regulate the market in such a manner is outrageous. What is there to regulate? The one or two businesses here in the United Kingdom? The Free Market is under siege here. Adam Smith, born here on our isles, is being rejected, and for what? So that the two companies don’t play unfairly? All we have done in this manner, is create a duopoly! ‘But hey, at least it’s nice a Monopoly, right?’ Wrong. The United Kingdom must once more embrace the Liberal thought of Capitalism. The thought that the entrepreneur is best left to

his own devices, and not the thought that ‘Big Brother’ can do his job better, it purely and utterly outrageous! The Liberal Democrats stand up for all business. Big or Small. Young or Old! It does not matter, the government shall not, and under our watch, will not, interfere in the market. Unless you consider positive business practice bonuses interference, we are hands off. It has shown to do so well. How do you think the great English speaking nations grew so mighty? It was not at the hands of a democratically elected, interventionist party that told companies and their owners how to act and produce. But by men, average men, who dreamed big. Who dreamed that they could do anything. And by a government that let the people decide whether that business was to become something of note, something to model after, or something to crash and burn. Henry Ford didn’t succeed in the early 20th century because Teddy Roosevelt told him what to produce and how to do. He did so well because the American government did not interfere with his affairs. And it is time, such thought came back to the United Kingdom. The Liberal Democrats stand by Adam Smith and his Wealth of Nations as our guiding principles on how should run the market, or better put, on how one shouldn’t run the market.

Moving off of economic freedom, I will now address the importance of Liberalism in the field of ‘personal liberty’. I understand the purpose of keeping campaignin off the streets, and that rallies in the streets of London may be a pain in the rear for the MET. But does that not come with the belief of Freedom of Speech, or should there be an asterix right there ‘Freedom of Speech*. Terms of service apply’. That is crazy! How can we claim to be a democracy for the people, uphold liberty world wide, yet not let our own people wear a rosette, or rally for some political cause in London? This is simply an attack on one’s right to freely express themselves. And what surprises me most is Labour's silence on this whole supression of free speech. But then again, I am not surprised by their silence. Socialism is not going to lead the United Kingdom to economic prosperity, nor will it to the upholding of Individual Liberty. The fact that a rosette wearing is illegal and is ‘off season campaigning’ is outrageous. ‘Oh, you can’t wear your cross ma’am. It’s not Christmas or Easter’, and of course while a party is no religion, it starts with parties. Radical? Yes. But as famous Liberal thinker John Stuart Mill once said. “That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.”

I end this article with a few notes. Starting with a quote from John Stuart Mill, yes another one. “Whatever crushes individuality is despotism, by whatever name it may be called and whether it professes to be enforcing the will of God or the injunctions of men.”. And his words are the truth. But now, not to pass the buck off so rudely, but I ask Labour this. I’ve made the case for Liberalism. As has history. But now I ask Labour this simple question ‘Why does Britain still need Socialism?’.

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