A New British Empire
James Mapboy Reed
Leader of His Majesty’s Official Opposition,
British Conservative Party Leader,
Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs for the RyanJMajor and LawMonty governments, and
Former Minister of State for Commonwealth Affairs for the MisterJlhl government.
A day after the London Conference given the extremely volatile state the British Empire has set the world we decided we’d discuss the events of the conference and the current instability of North Africa, and the far east with a former commonwealth and foreign affairs official currently leading His Majesty’s Official Opposition in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
RNN: Describe the London conference for me.
JamesMReed: Well, I mean it was certainly a busy event. People from all sorts of commonwealth nations - Canada, Hawaii, Malaysia, Falklands. We had gone into Buckingham Palace, heard a speech from the King regarding the formation of the empire, how he was thankful for the support of the various dominions, and then we sat down as a group in the dining hall. We were there for a good 40 minutes, talking about the empire and the various countries the King addressed some issues from various people such as what the imperial parliament would entail, etc. Afterwards, we headed off in a motorcade to Downing Street and everyone sort of dispersed.
RNN: So those were all of the nation's present?
JamesMReed: I can't say for certain as I didn't recognize everyone there, but Malaysia, Canada, Falklands, and Hawaii were all there as well as members of the United Kingdom’s government, of course.
RNN: Was there any representation from the Egyptian protectorate?
JamesMReed: ShadowRaven was there - is he Egypt? Nevermind, no. I do not believe anyone from Egypt was there.
RNN: Did you get to Speak to any delegations?
JamesMReed: Of course, I had the chance to sit between the Falkland and Canadian delegations. I have old friends in both, so we had a pleasant conversation.
RNN: What's the Canadian outlook on the conference and recent events, and the recent government dissolution?
JamesMReed: Well underdog1227 who is one of (if not the only) group holder in Canada. He had repeatedly brought up to the King his concerns regarding how many Canadians were concerned about the new integration of the empire. They recently changed their flag back from the red ensign [flag of Canada from 1867-1964] as people got quite upset on the wall. So I think there is a bit of concern on that front, as well as how involved the empire is going to be in Canadian affairs, etc. From what I can tell it's a concern from Canadians that power is being taken away from them, which the King wanted to ease, explaining how this isn't some British conquest and whatnot. I believe they are holding a public forum tonight actually regarding the decision, and to address concerns, so we'll have to see how the public responds to that.
RNN: Elaborate on the public forum for us?
JamesMReed: My understanding is that a group of the managers who run the group will be sitting down taking questions from citizens regarding the empire, and try to clear up any misconceptions.
RNN: Elaborate on the government dissolvement for us?
JamesMReed: I don't know when parliament was dissolved, but they're holding elections on the 24th if memory serves. I don't believe the formation of the empire contributed to the dissolution of parliament though considering I'm pretty sure it happened prior to the proclamation.
RNN: What would the reasoning for the dissolve be?
JamesMReed: I would assume the term ended. Actually no, I just had a brainfreeze there. Prime Minister BrandonRenzi resigned after he was elected in the United Nations to Secretary-General and called for an election, I can assume.
RNN: Now back to the Falklands. Public perception are riots being put down with British Special Forces. You were there personally explain the situation.
JamesMReed: Well, there was certainly quite the riot. When I got there, there were helicopters in pieces in the streets and if you stood in the same place for longer than 5 seconds you were shot. However yes, Falkland Island Defense Forces reinforced by forces from the Empire managed to quell the riots and all the government personnel including myself were kept in the Governor's Manor.
RNN: Were the rioters civilians or a specific organization?
JamesMReed: Well, some were from the IRA from what I've heard - I haven't got the specific names, as well as two were from the UKSF, and they received suspensions.
RNN: So do you understand their motive?
JamesMReed: Not in particular, from what I gathered speaking to other folks in the BAF was that they were just quote "trolling". I spoke with the Lord Chief Justice about it, he says it's become a fairly regular occurrence. Having certain members of the forces cause trouble elsewhere.
RNN: If they were Irish Republicans would it stand to be a protest against the Empire?
JamesMReed: I mean I suppose in a way, yes, but in some ways though it seems the IRA is doing whatever it can to stir up chaos these days.
RNN: Now back to the United Nations. Sorry to hop around, but Mr Renzi condemned the Empire. Your thoughts?
JamesMReed: Well, I think the issue is a lot of misconceptions around the Empire, and what it will ultimately be which of course is still in the process of being formed. I think Mister Renzi in addition to many international onlookers are worried about British conquest of their lands and whatnot as they condemn any acts of imperialism, however the King has reinforced the fact that he is not interested in conquering nations, rather helping grow and expand ones in the Empire.I think we'll have to see how that plays out, and what relationship the Empire ultimately has with the rest of the international community.
RNN: On the topic of conquest Hawaii has entered the Empire incredibly reluctantly being they had their own monarchy prior. Due to their reluctance being labeled by the British Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Sir Conor Novak as republicans. Your opinion?
JamesMReed: I would necessarily call them republicans, I would say after speaking with King Kaluaiku is that their concerns fell in the issues of the abolishment of the Hawai'ian monarchy, and how the King would be stripped of his title - my understanding is that they sat down and worked it out, however, so that he will be able to maintain his position. I know another reason for their concerns is their close relationship with Singapore, who have condemned the formation of the empire. So again I think it's something that they'll have to sit down with the government and sort out, come up with a solution that builds trust rather than worry Hawaiians that their governmental powers are being stripped away from them.
RNN: That’s a perfect segway. Elaborate on Singapore?
JamesMReed: Well, Texar and Singapore decided not to join the Empire, from the conversations he had it's clear that he felt like he was being forced into it, being a former member of the Commonwealth. I certainly think that put him a little bit on edge, added on to his fears of government control being stripped away. So, they chose not to join. I do applaud the King for saying that he is not going to push for a nation to take their recognition that he does not want to destroy official nations, but to grow smaller ones. So, as for the relationship between Singapore and the Empire I think it's a little too early to tell, but it's important that the government has an open dialogue and keeps talking to them because if we put our backs up against each other, that creates ignorance which causes more tension.
RNN: Now the Egyptian President Claude Messiah is currently leading an independence movement with his government against the British due to them backing a smaller Egypt as a protectorate. Even though Messiah's is the UN recognized nation.
JamesMReed: I know we changed Egypt's recently. I believe we recognise the one owned by OliverBrakus as of current.
RNN: Yes, but the UN, China, and the US recognized ClaudeMessiah's. Doesn't that create conflict?
JamesMReed: In regards to why we don't recognise the UN official one, I would chalk it up to established relations between Mr. Brakus and the United Kingdom, but it ultimately falls to the government and/or King. Of course it causes conflict, and the situation with Egypt having transferred owners have left a little bit of uncertainty in regards to who is the rightful official nation and whatnot. The United Nations alongside countries such as the US and China have taken the stance on the original group, while the United Kingdom has taken the stance on the former owner. As for who we continue to recognize in the future. I think we'll have to look at which nation is working on the international stage, which nation is active, and which nation is productive however I do believe the government should sit down with both and lay out the situation and put the officiality and productivity of a nation before whoever is in charge or has connections with it. As you mentioned, I am certain part of the reasoning had to do with one Egypt welcoming the Empire with open arms while the other having a bit more trepidation.
RNN: The British Empire has the ability to facilitate talks of a merger, but their vested interest in seeing Brakus' walk away on top being Messiah's taken a firm stance on independence wouldn't result in a fair ground. Your opinion?
JamesMReed: Well as I say the United Kingdom should have a stance of working with the International Community to create strong nations we can work alongside. As for the uneven ground, I think if the United Kingdom believes in facilitating strong relationships, then they need to set aside personal opinions and have an objective discussion. As a fair discussion would ease tensions between the two nations and in whatever outcome, would result in better relations than trying to force something upon one or the other.
RNN: The Independent Egyptians have recently met with the Chinese and Dutch. Being the Chinese stance against Britain due to Hong Kong would fear of Messiah's Egypt being backed by Communist China be a reality?
JamesMReed: Well, I think that plays into the necessity as stated prior for them to sit down and have a frank discussion about the future of what is considered the "official" Egypt, however I do think that brings us to the other point of the necessity for the UK to not isolate itself and the Empire from the rest of the world and I think discussions with countries like China, the US, and Russia all need to happen so that we can sit down have a clear discussion about what the UK is doing what the UK ISN'T doing, and to ensure that the empire does not fall to a state of imperialistic conquest, as the King has stated he wishes it not to be. As for a China-backed Egypt, I think that plays into the fact that the foreign office needs to wake up and get to work speaking with people before this gets to a point that we cannot get out of.
RNN: Thank you for answering our questions Mr Reed. We’d hope to be able to do this again some other time.